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Esri Certification: A Guide For Beginners

Esri Certification

Esri Certification is a relatively new type of exam qualification. The purpose is to validate your proficiency with Esri-related applications.

The Esri Technical Certification is completely knowledge-focused and exam-based. This is very different from the GISP certification, which focuses on experience and community involvement.

Esri Certification is a way to show employers that you have a certain level of knowledge and expertise in a subject matter in your field.

Let’s take a closer look at the types of Esri certifications that are available. Also, should you consider enrolling in Esri certification? Read more and find out.

READ MORE: GISP vs Esri Technical Certification

Esri Certification Exam Types

There are several different types of proficiency exams that you can take for the Esri certification. Here are the two main types of exams:

  • CORE: The core exams are for large-scale Esri applications such as ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Enterprise, and ArcGIS Online.
  • SPECIALIZED: The specialized exams are designed to test your skills in coding. For example, you can focus on Python, JavaScript, or other areas of interest.

The requirements for each vary depending on the level of certification. Here are more details about these two types of Esri technical certificates.

Esri Certification Technical Certification Program

Esri Core Exams

As part of the core exams, there are generally three domains in which you can obtain GIS certification:

DESKTOP EXAM: The Desktop exam tests basic ArcGIS concepts such as visualizing, managing, and analyzing geospatial data.

DEVELOPER EXAM: The Developer exam evaluates your proficiency in the development of applications within the ArcGIS ecosystem.

ENTERPRISE EXAM: The Enterprise Administration exams evaluate your knowledge in deploying, configuring, and troubleshooting ArcGIS Enterprise.

Esri Specialty Exams

The specialty exams are more catered towards evaluating your skills in coding and other niche areas of interest. Currently, here are some of the available specialty exams.

  • ArcGIS API for Python
  • ArcGIS API for Javascript
  • Utility Networks in ArcGIS
  • ArcGIS Online Administration

Esri is adding more specialty exams every day that are targeted toward specific skill sets. Although there are only 4 at this moment, keep in mind that this is an expanding list

Esri Certification Cost

The Esri certification cost varies depending on the exam you take. If you are looking to take the core or specialized exam, the cost will be in the range of 150$ to 250$.

The number of questions also varies depending on the exam. But typically it ranges anywhere between 40 to 100 questions and could be between 1 or 2 hours in duration.

If you want more information before you take the exam, you can also download the exam information guide. Each guide will give you specific details on the target candidate audience, skills measured, and candidate qualifications.

ArcGIS Pro Associate Exam

Should you consider Esri Certification?

If you are currently using Esri products, then this type of technical certificate can hold a lot of value for you.

It’s a way to set yourself apart from the competition and demonstrate your commitment to the industry.

This is especially true for validating your skills and knowledge in everything from Enterprise Administration to Geodata Management.

Have you ever taken one of the Esri certification exams? What did you think of it? Please let us know with a comment below.

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