US Election of 1968 Map

Election of 1968 Summary
The war in Vietnam continued and it looked like the US was losing. So this made Lyndon Johnson an unappealing candidate for re-election. In fact, he dropped out completely because of his lack of success.
From here, three candidates stood out in the election of 1969. First, Richard Nixon represented the Republicans. Second, the Democrats nominated Hubert Humphrey. Finally, George Wallace introduced a newly-formed party called the American Independent Party.
In the presidential election of 1968, it was a close call. But Richard Nixon won and became the 37th president of the United States. While he gained 301 electoral votes, Hubert Humphrey obtained 191.
Richard Nixon
Thirty-seventh president of the United States
Vice President: Spiro Agnew
Total Electoral Votes: 301
Electoral Vote: 56.1%
Political Party: Republican

1968 Election Timeline
1956: Dwight D. Eisenhower
1960: John F. Kennedy
1964: Lyndon B. Johnson
1968: Richard Nixon
1972: Richard Nixon
1976: Jimmy Carter
1980: Ronald Reagan
1984: Ronald Reagan

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