GIS Freelancing: Is It Possible?

Looking for a GIS side hustle? I am not a big believer in GIS freelancing. No guaranteed salary. No benefits. No paid vacation. No statutory holidays. What’s there to like?
With all this trash talk already, could there be a light at the end of the tunnel? Today, let’s look into the world of GIS as a freelancing opportunity.
GIS Freelance Jobs
The demand for GIS freelancing isn’t there. If you already have a connection for a GIS service that you provide, GIS freelancing can be easier to break into. But once you do break into it, word of mouth goes a long way. This is when winning RFPs becomes less of a priority.
It’s not realistic to start freelancing in GIS without prior experience or an established network. Over time, you can build up your portfolio. Know your strengths. A degree or a GIS certification helps. The more, the better.
If you don’t have any connections, where do you start? If you register for Upwork or Fiverr, remember that you’re competing with GIS professionals from India and Eastern Europe. Unfortunately, Upwork also takes a cut so it’s not the most lucrative option.

Remote Contract Jobs

Instead of freelancing, why not consider remote contract positions? Since the end of Covid, remote work has gained a lot of popularity. In fact, some companies still prefer it.
Most remote jobs are typically on a monthly basis. But you can make pretty good money doing them. A Bachelor’s degree or GIS certification is often good enough for most companies.
For skills, any sort of coding or development is always a good start. If you are in an Esri environment, learning Python, Arcade, and Javascript are all beneficial.
How To Get Started for GIS Freelance Jobs
The problem with freelance work is that it’s not just the freelance work. But gathering clients is the toughest part. Who are your clients?
Here are some of the best recommendations for potential clients:
GIS freelancers can charge anywhere from $30 to $150 per hour. This depends on the work. Typically, lower rates apply to cartography or analysis. Rates increase for programming, development, and complex analysis.
Other GIS Side Hustles
The biggest benefit of GIS freelancing is its flexibility. That’s where GIS side hustles can come into your game plan.
Word of mouth and your network is indeed your biggest asset. But sometimes, it’s possible to find freelance work online without any connections. Here are some of the top options for finding GIS freelance work online:
That’s about it for us. This is one article we’d love to hear from the audience. Have you had any luck freelancing in GIS? Please add your questions to our comments section below.