Idaho County Map

About the map
This Idaho county map displays its 44 counties. We have created individual maps for all counties in Idaho. Also, you get a perspective of where the county is in the state of Idaho with our locator maps below.

Ada is the largest county in Idaho in terms of population with over 480,000 people. Boise is the capital city of Idaho and is located in Ada County. Find the Boise map collection here. The least populated county in Idaho is Clark County with small rural communities like Dubois.
Idaho County is the largest in terms of size with an area of about 8503.2 square miles. This is followed by Owyhee County in the southwest and Custer County in the center. Conversely, Payette County is the smallest size county in Idaho and is just 409.4 square miles.
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Idaho county list
FIPS Code 23375_075c6a-da282> | Name 23375_f973ab-fb283> | Land (sq mi) 23375_05bebc-89284> | Water (sq mi) 23375_07c733-76285> | Population (2024) 23375_a875a1-95286> |
16-001 23375_54ed2a-c6288> | Ada County 23375_01141b-d5289> | 1052.0 23375_78e0d8-65290> | 8.6 23375_84e89f-d3291> | 535,799 23375_e6bfd9-21292> |
16-003 23375_64fd1a-54294> | Adams County 23375_37ed12-92295> | 1362.8 23375_018eff-a3296> | 6.7 23375_7c7174-1e297> | 4,998 23375_0a2ef8-6c298> |
16-005 23375_4d8ce7-40300> | Bannock County 23375_f9b5b3-47301> | 1112.5 23375_ac824d-e3302> | 35.6 23375_3d2af7-df303> | 91,010 23375_daec9b-e0304> |
16-007 23375_4bf524-3b306> | Bear Lake County 23375_96b351-b3307> | 975.7 23375_6804d5-15308> | 73.9 23375_059a10-32309> | 6,779 23375_783052-66310> |
16-009 23375_a523b6-eb312> | Benewah County 23375_f72022-41313> | 776.9 23375_3d4530-36314> | 7.3 23375_5a46ea-82315> | 10,529 23375_4f2fa1-cb316> |
16-011 23375_ee107c-64318> | Bingham County 23375_ad5710-7b319> | 2093.8 23375_7d45f3-15320> | 26.4 23375_77181e-6f321> | 50,889 23375_2320f4-50322> |
16-013 23375_bf97d0-a0324> | Blaine County 23375_bdfce1-e7325> | 2637.7 23375_540476-10326> | 17.2 23375_060bdd-d5327> | 25,261 23375_e96ae9-b9328> |
16-015 23375_2fb956-32330> | Boise County 23375_fb1818-b9331> | 1899.5 23375_23d790-2e332> | 7.4 23375_9e51e6-47333> | 8,581 23375_2b522c-c4334> |
16-017 23375_0d4aa2-18336> | Bonner County 23375_09dc31-61337> | 1733.2 23375_9c57ca-68338> | 184.9 23375_5ee9d7-f6339> | 53,955 23375_03b3eb-f3340> |
16-019 23375_feea05-a4342> | Bonneville County 23375_b83064-74343> | 1866.0 23375_b8e842-af344> | 34.3 23375_7a4183-6a345> | 133,644 23375_f4b716-51346> |
16-021 23375_f41802-57348> | Boundary County 23375_667073-b9349> | 1268.7 23375_914cad-1b350> | 9.4 23375_20da62-64351> | 14,040 23375_c9f686-af352> |
16-023 23375_44e162-ec354> | Butte County 23375_fba566-10355> | 2236.5 23375_4a61d6-10356> | 2.0 23375_79b92b-07357> | 2,735 23375_54a111-ec358> |
16-025 23375_26028a-77360> | Camas County 23375_a3b4a4-e6361> | 1074.2 23375_f59052-d5362> | 4.5 23375_178845-18363> | 1,247 23375_f7e0e0-f6364> |
16-027 23375_8c3982-7e366> | Canyon County 23375_52671e-b1367> | 587.0 23375_02ace6-4a368> | 16.7 23375_b9ac1d-61369> | 266,892 23375_48759b-73370> |
16-029 23375_d87eed-00372> | Caribou County 23375_953eb2-37373> | 1764.2 23375_480758-32374> | 34.4 23375_ded2ef-4d375> | 7,239 23375_d4ed5f-83376> |
16-031 23375_bf02db-0c378> | Cassia County 23375_c0b380-ca379> | 2565.6 23375_3d4316-f5380> | 15.1 23375_c3e578-72381> | 25,976 23375_6c8346-f4382> |
16-033 23375_6a0b31-2e384> | Clark County 23375_068da0-ed385> | 1763.1 23375_1907d7-ff386> | 1.0 23375_e8d374-95387> | 794 23375_899c38-3c388> |
16-035 23375_540aba-aa390> | Clearwater County 23375_f33907-84391> | 2457.3 23375_a01610-32392> | 30.7 23375_2b2e74-e6393> | 9,151 23375_f269e1-9b394> |
16-037 23375_36ad18-ad396> | Custer County 23375_2cb749-87397> | 4922.2 23375_15ae3e-55398> | 16.4 23375_6febb6-c0399> | 4,597 23375_b06d80-54400> |
16-039 23375_66eee0-95402> | Elmore County 23375_ebce22-07403> | 3075.1 23375_5721a0-2a404> | 26.4 23375_73a30c-81405> | 29,729 23375_cd3e9a-d3406> |
16-041 23375_19ac9a-89408> | Franklin County 23375_cdf236-84409> | 663.0 23375_88db90-b8410> | 4.7 23375_0d8351-bc411> | 15,638 23375_f60ad0-8c412> |
16-043 23375_1ce7b6-17414> | Fremont County 23375_fa5b9b-ad415> | 1864.0 23375_24ee8b-ee416> | 32.2 23375_88b28d-7e417> | 14,399 23375_46123b-6a418> |
16-045 23375_672e5a-c2420> | Gem County 23375_0009da-50421> | 559.8 23375_59b11a-95422> | 4.8 23375_5d8a04-cd423> | 21,857 23375_515d08-ec424> |
16-047 23375_f2630e-9f426> | Gooding County 23375_426edd-09427> | 729.3 23375_da28f4-6d428> | 4.8 23375_732aba-62429> | 16,189 23375_8f431b-74430> |
16-049 23375_99b539-f3432> | Idaho County 23375_5b34af-ae433> | 8477.4 23375_f420a2-7d434> | 26.1 23375_96c2ab-c4435> | 17,912 23375_b5b396-3c436> |
16-051 23375_b714f5-c4438> | Jefferson County 23375_89e0d4-ea439> | 1093.7 23375_918a55-56440> | 12.0 23375_218e95-72441> | 34,854 23375_fda73a-58442> |
16-053 23375_f0ff54-b4444> | Jerome County 23375_396de0-38445> | 597.5 23375_788cdf-4f446> | 5.1 23375_9d1d29-20447> | 26,056 23375_5955a4-1b448> |
16-055 23375_62cb10-b6450> | Kootenai County 23375_903e7d-46451> | 1237.8 23375_107356-04452> | 71.2 23375_2cea2c-e3453> | 188,323 23375_bef3c0-d9454> |
16-057 23375_534aeb-1e456> | Latah County 23375_3eb3e3-16457> | 1075.9 23375_0151b1-72458> | 0.9 23375_06a05a-7c459> | 42,180 23375_faa135-8b460> |
16-059 23375_bde4ab-f8462> | Lemhi County 23375_8a9ec9-09463> | 4563.7 23375_1f7498-82464> | 5.4 23375_eb941c-f8465> | 8,397 23375_a9bb89-36466> |
16-061 23375_52012c-2f468> | Lewis County 23375_6dfb5c-91469> | 478.8 23375_dcd0c4-b3470> | 0.9 23375_e9e5ce-7b471> | 3,728 23375_5ebb7c-5f472> |
16-063 23375_02a019-b7474> | Lincoln County 23375_ec5333-22475> | 1201.4 23375_28fc24-22476> | 4.5 23375_d809c5-41477> | 5,556 23375_d9f6ed-bf478> |
16-065 23375_10ffac-d5480> | Madison County 23375_5ac5f6-dc481> | 469.3 23375_353a76-b2482> | 4.1 23375_459bf0-b4483> | 55,549 23375_aef289-4d484> |
16-067 23375_7792f2-f9486> | Minidoka County 23375_fbfdb9-69487> | 757.0 23375_e8e1b1-5d488> | 5.4 23375_d948d3-ec489> | 22,691 23375_424a1b-44490> |
16-069 23375_189ce4-7f492> | Nez Perce County 23375_0580a7-41493> | 848.3 23375_6947db-ae494> | 8.2 23375_e889de-3e495> | 42,847 23375_5f05c0-8d496> |
16-071 23375_f33655-9d498> | Oneida County 23375_1c7baa-18499> | 1198.9 23375_ff364b-79500> | 1.5 23375_73ee5f-89501> | 4,976 23375_ca2ef1-cd502> |
16-073 23375_7ec8ef-51504> | Owyhee County 23375_81715f-7f505> | 7668.2 23375_81d706-96506> | 28.6 23375_607915-3e507> | 12,748 23375_881836-74508> |
16-075 23375_5ec150-93510> | Payette County 23375_23eda9-13511> | 406.9 23375_c87d31-da512> | 3.4 23375_4711fc-be513> | 27,662 23375_9686cb-6c514> |
16-077 23375_69bcd1-e2516> | Power County 23375_203aaf-15517> | 1403.8 23375_294f01-f5518> | 38.3 23375_4d234f-da519> | 8,381 23375_fc0769-b8520> |
16-079 23375_39a529-b0522> | Shoshone County 23375_53c867-28523> | 2637.4 23375_401382-b1524> | 5.4 23375_b571cd-18525> | 14,074 23375_9cc74e-be526> |
16-081 23375_b49d80-b1528> | Teton County 23375_4a8dab-39529> | 449.1 23375_2718ad-78530> | 1.1 23375_14cca4-9f531> | 12,932 23375_c0d785-96532> |
16-083 23375_ba83a0-14534> | Twin Falls County 23375_4997be-9e535> | 1921.7 23375_f6d6db-15536> | 7.0 23375_0df785-2a537> | 96,509 23375_1fe8ec-da538> |
16-085 23375_61ac4d-8c540> | Valley County 23375_b0995f-ea541> | 3665.1 23375_65bd4c-fe542> | 68.4 23375_2ab542-1e543> | 12,777 23375_1c9746-26544> |
16-087 23375_82b9d2-a6546> | Washington County 23375_b350cd-c3547> | 1452.8 23375_24b0ee-d8548> | 20.6 23375_e6028a-e3549> | 11,539 23375_51634e-59550> |