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Wyoming Lakes and Rivers Map

Wyoming Lakes Rivers Map

About the map

This map shows major rivers, reservoirs, and lakes in Wyoming. Rivers in Wyoming flow into the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Great Basin.

Wyoming Map Extent

Whether you’re a fishing or kayaking enthusiast or want to try something new, there’s a water activity for you in Wyoming. For example, the longest rivers are the Snake River, Green River, and the North Platte River.

Visit the beautiful lakes in the state for water sports and sightseeing. This includes Yellowstone Lake, Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Pathfinder Reservoir, and more.

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Wyoming map collection

You are free to use our lakes and rivers map of Wyoming for educational and commercial uses. Attribution is required. How to attribute?

Wyoming lakes, rivers and reservoirs

Lakes and reservoirs

Yellowstone Lake
Jackson Lake
Palisades Reservoir
Flaming Gorge Reservoir
Seminoe Reservoir
Pathfinder Reservoir
Boysen Reservoir

Glendo Reservoir
Shoshone Lake
Fontenelle Reservoir
Wheatland Reservoir
Ocean Lake
Bighorn Lake

Rivers and streams

Bighorn River
Powder River
Sweetwater River
North Platte River
Green River
Shoshone River
Greybull River
Wind River
Snake River
Medicine Bow River
Laramie River
Tongue River
Bear River
Yellowstone River
Cheyenne River

New Fork River
Muddy Creek
Big Sandy River
Bitter Creek
Chugwater Creek
Horse Creek
Lodgepole Creek
Popo Agie River
Lightning Creek
Crazy Woman Creek
Little Missouri River
Clear Creek
Nowood River
Buffalo Bill Reservoir


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