Georeferencing: How to Georeference Images
Learn how to georeference with precision in this georeferencing guide. Add control points in two images, select a transformation and check your RMSE.
Learn how to georeference with precision in this georeferencing guide. Add control points in two images, select a transformation and check your RMSE.
While Geographic Information Systems answers “what” and “where”, Geographic Information Science (GIScience) is concerned with the “how” and its development.
When you place a cone on the Earth and unwrap it, this results in a conic projection. Examples are Albers Equal Area Conic and the Lambert Conformal Conic.
The atmospheric window allows specific bands of electromagnetic (EM) radiation to reach the Earth. On the other hand, absorption bands prevent EM radiation.
The Erase Tool removes the area that is overlapping with the erasing features. Everything outside the erasing layer ends up in the output.
Esri’s tapestry segmentation data provides insights on lifestyle choices made by customers helping you make more informative business decisions.
Have you ever wondered about your GPS accuracy? A well-designed GPS receiver can achieve a horizontal accuracy of 3 meters or better. But factors affect it.
Tobler’s First Law of Geography states that everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.
When you have two conflicting data sets, conflation resolves conflicts by preserving the most accurate one. Edgematching and rubbersheeting helps fix errors
The State Plane Coordinate System divides the United States into 124 zones to locate any point with a high level of accuracy (one part in 10,000).