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Illinois Lakes and Rivers Map

About the map

This map features major rivers, reservoirs, and lakes in Illinois. For example, Lake Shelbyville, Lake Springfield, and the Illinois River are major rivers and lakes. Other than Lake Michigan, Carlyle Lake is the largest and is located in south-central Illinois.

Illinois Map Extent

Illinois has a long shoreline with some of the most beautiful beaches on Lake Michigan. This large freshwater lake serves as a destination for fishing, swimming, and boating.

Three rivers form the boundaries of Illinois. It’s the Mississippi River that delineates a boundary with Missouri and Iowa. For the eastern boundary of Illinois, it’s the Ohio River and Wabash River that forms a boundary with Kentucky and Indiana.

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Illinois map collection

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Illinois lakes, rivers and reservoirs

Lakes and reservoirs

Lake Michigan
Rend Lake
Lake Shelbyville
Upper Peoria Lake

Senachwine Lake
Lake Springfield
Crab Orchard Lake

Rivers and streams

Illinois River
Wabash River
Carlyle Lake
Kaskaskia River
Ohio River
Mississippi River
Embarras River
Wabash River
Rock River

Fox River
Sangamon River
Des Plaines River
Kankakee Spoon River
Edwards River
Green River
Mackinaw River
Big Muddy River

City Maps of Illinois


One Comment

  1. Are there any swimming areas on the Illinois or Des Plaines River? Where are they accessed?

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