Nashville Crime Map

Dangerous Neighborhoods in Nashville
Here is a crime map of Nashville, Tennessee with reported incidents across different neighborhoods. Below, we’ve listed the most dangerous neighborhoods in Music City.
Neighborhood | Location | Types of Crimes |
North Nashville | North of Downtown Nashville, along Interstate 65 (I-65). Includes Germantown. | An uptick in violent incidents. There are also property crimes, and drug-related offenses. |
Bordeaux | Northwest Nashville, near I-65 and Whites Creek Pike | An uptick in violent incidents. There are also property crimes and drug-related offenses. |
East Nashville | Eastern Nashville, known for its diverse neighborhoods | Slightly higher crime rate with robberies, assaults, and occasional violence. |
Here’s another version of the same map but it shows the greater Nashville Metropolitan Area. The density of population comes into play here with more incidents in the central region.