US Election of 1828 Map

The 1828 US election featured a rematch between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. Remember in the last election, Andrew Jackson had more electoral votes. But he didn’t have a majority.
Despite his past election misfortunes, this time was different. Andrew Jackson grew in popularity with his own following called “Jacksonians”. Especially, he appealed to working-class people.
In the 1828 election, Jackson earned his revenge by defeating John Quincy Adams. Overall, he gained 178 electoral votes and became the 7th president of the United States.
Andrew Jackson
Seventh president of the United States
Vice President: John C. Calhoun
Total Electoral Votes: 178
Electoral Vote: 68%
Political Party: Jacksonian Democratic

1828 Election Timeline
1816: James Monroe
1820: James Monroe
1824: John Quincy Adams
1828: Andrew Jackson
1832: Andrew Jackson
1836: Martin Van Buren
1840: William Henry Harrison
1844: James Polk

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