US Election of 1920 Map

Election of 1920 Summary
Just like the election of 1916, war was the main topic. Under Woodrow Wilson, Americans were getting ready to help their allies England and France against Germany.
Wilson’s health was on the decline so the Democrats nominated James Cox to take his place. For the Republican party, they picked Warren Harding.
For the 34th presidential election, women received the right to vote. After all the voting, Warren Harding easily won in a landslide. He received 404 electoral votes compared to 127 for Cox.
Warren Harding
Twenty-ninth president of the United States
Vice President: Calvin Coolidge
Total Electoral Votes: 404
Electoral Vote: 76%
Political Party: Republican

1920 Election Timeline
1908: William Taft
1912: Woodrow Wilson
1916: Woodrow Wilson
1920: Warren Harding
1924: Calvin Coolidge
1928: Herbert Hoover
1932: Franklin D. Roosevelt
1936: Franklin D. Roosevelt

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