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GIS Analysis

DWG to SHP – CAD Files in GIS

DWG to SHP – CAD Files in GIS

There are free tools online that convert DWG to SHP. But we recommended using QGIS, which is an open source GIS software option.

AI Maps: Is This Our Future?

AI Maps: Is This Our Future?

Are AI maps inevitable in GIS? AI and its impacts on the GIS industry are overblown. We explore how AI will penetrate our industry.

Legends Tutorial in ArcGIS Pro

Legends Tutorial in ArcGIS Pro

This tutorial includes a video and step-by-step instructions so you can follow along exactly how we grapple with map legends in ArcGIS Pro.

Viewshed Analysis in GIS

Viewshed Analysis in GIS

Viewshed analysis is a 3D technique that enables us to visualize and assess what is visible from a specific vantage point within a landscape.