New Hampshire County Map

About the map
This New Hampshire county map displays its 10 counties. New Hampshire’s tally of only 10 counties ranks fifth fewest in all of the United States. Only Connecticut, Hawaii, Rhode Island, and Delaware have fewer counties than New Hampshire.

Hillsborough County is the most populous county in New Hampshire because it’s home to Manchester. But the state capital, Concord, is in Merrimack County. The least populated county in New Hampshire is Coos County with just over 31,000 people.
For size, Coos County in the north of New Hampshire is the largest county and occupies an area of over 1830 square miles. But the smallest county is Strafford County, which is only 380.8 square miles in area.
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New Hampshire county list
FIPS Code 23692_300924-4978> | Name 23692_d91266-0e79> | Land (sq mi) 23692_a688b0-d580> | Water (sq mi) 23692_b37e65-fa81> | Population (2024) 23692_7ecb41-0782> |
33-001 23692_44be36-4984> | Belknap County 23692_40c784-c785> | 401.8 23692_ef6470-3586> | 68.2 23692_605186-f887> | 65,257 23692_0ecde0-3988> |
33-003 23692_18c870-9890> | Carroll County 23692_31587d-fa91> | 931.9 23692_e85e8f-0892> | 61.6 23692_cd8275-7d93> | 52,580 23692_97420c-c094> |
33-005 23692_101ce6-1096> | Cheshire County 23692_af6c75-ca97> | 706.7 23692_a85d61-3898> | 22.2 23692_de5c03-2599> | 78,078 23692_1dc9e4-02100> |
33-007 23692_7f8edc-aa102> | Coos County 23692_a3f399-75103> | 1794.6 23692_bf2f49-ee104> | 35.7 23692_f5b158-65105> | 31,094 23692_f94884-89106> |
33-009 23692_f55da9-7f108> | Grafton County 23692_088a54-48109> | 1708.6 23692_994c70-56110> | 41.1 23692_5ebf81-64111> | 93,045 23692_9c6031-dd112> |
33-011 23692_44697b-aa114> | Hillsborough County 23692_14198f-f9115> | 876.5 23692_0d6462-5e116> | 15.9 23692_c3df62-fa117> | 430,462 23692_7ff9b2-00118> |
33-013 23692_a058fa-d1120> | Merrimack County 23692_61f3ad-43121> | 932.9 23692_d63c91-d5122> | 22.1 23692_c3b77a-ab123> | 157,869 23692_b054bb-ba124> |
33-015 23692_626b40-e9126> | Rockingham County 23692_7afb36-1a127> | 695.4 23692_ee1408-6e128> | 99.9 23692_b0d5a0-e6129> | 322,433 23692_3b3c3f-88130> |
33-017 23692_d3e5ae-d3132> | Strafford County 23692_f7759c-ee133> | 367.6 23692_6dea76-ac134> | 15.0 23692_a5e660-34135> | 134,202 23692_a5d8b8-25136> |
33-019 23692_dd62b0-40138> | Sullivan County 23692_30abea-92139> | 537.5 23692_f8ac00-8a140> | 14.6 23692_c4be0c-f9141> | 44,012 23692_cc73d6-5e142> |