Author: GISGeography

We help you learn Geographic Information Systems and remote sensing
Buffer Tool Feature

Buffer Tool in GIS

The buffer tool (planar/geodesic) generates a polygon around features at a set distance. Here are ring, geodesic & euclidean buffers.

Zonal Statistics Feature

How To Use Zonal Statistics

Zonal Statistics uses groupings to calculate statistics (sum, mean, maximum, etc) for specified zones like countries, watersheds or parcels.

remote sensing of the environment

Remote Sensing of the Environment

As our population grows and climate is at risk, remote sensing of the environment solves large-scale environmental issues for the land, ocean and atmosphere.

NASA Earth Observatory: Global Environment and Climate Data

NASA Earth Observatory GIS Data

Since 1999, NASA Earth Observatory has kept a close eye on the environment (fires, atmospheric gases, land use) and global climate change.