Maps & Cartography

Maps of the Dead

Halloween Maps for the Dead

5 Halloween Maps. Almost all cultures recognize spirits aka the dead. So we bring these 5 maps for the dead to get you in the spirit of Halloween.

goode map projection

How Map Projections Work

The best way to represent the Earth is with a globe. But map projections can be awfully useful too. Find out why cartographers use map projections in GIS.


World Geodetic System (WGS84)

The World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) is a spatial reference system of GPS satellites with an error of less than 2 cm to the center of Earth.

Geodetic Survey Benchmark

Survey Benchmark Monument Locations

If you’re serious about geocaching, than you’ve probably heard of benchmark hunting. A survey benchmark is a disk in the ground with a latitude & longitude.