US Election of 1868 Map

Election of 1868 Summary
Andrew Johnson who served as president after Lincoln’s assassination didn’t get re-nominated. Instead, Horatio Seymour unwillingly took his place.
Since the previous election, Nebraska could participate in this one. Also, African Americans could vote for the first time.
The Republicans nominated Ulysses Grant, a former war hero. After counting the votes, he easily won against Seymour with 214 electoral votes.
Ulysses Grant
Eighteenth President of the United States
Vice President: Schuyler Colfax
Total Electoral Votes: 214
Electoral Vote: 73%
Political Party: Republican

1868 Election Timeline
1856: James Buchanan
1860: Abraham Lincoln
1864: Abraham Lincoln
1868: Ulysses Grant
1872: Ulysses Grant
1876: Rutherford Hayes
1880: James Garfield
1884: Grover Cleveland

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