US Election of 1896 Map

Election of 1896 Summary
The 1896 election featured William Jennings Bryan and William McKinley. Yes, it was a battle between two people named William. It was also the first time the state of Utah could vote.
William Jennings Bryan was known to campaign around the country. But William McKinley didn’t try as hard because Mark Hanna, another Republican politician did it all for him.
In the end, William McKinley became the 25th president of the United States. He gained 271 electoral votes with his opponent Jennings receiving 176.
William McKinley
Twenty-fifth president of the United States
Vice President: Garret Hobart
Total Electoral Votes: 271
Electoral Vote: 61%
Political Party: Republican

1896 Election Timeline
1884: Grover Cleveland
1888: Benjamin Harrison
1892: Grover Cleveland
1896: William McKinley
1900: William McKinley
1904: Theodore Roosevelt
1908: William Taft
1912: Woodrow Wilson

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