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GIS Jobs and Career Resources

Here is a list of GIS job resources to help you find the career you’re looking for. We provide information where you can find jobs, volunteering, and internship opportunities.

GIS Job Boards

These job boards are specific to the field of GIS.

General Job Boards

Here’s a list of general employment search engines for any job seekers.


If you want volunteer experience, these agencies pair candidates with partners only accepting the most qualified volunteer.

Types of GIS Jobs

If you want to learn the types of GIS jobs, here are GIS career profiles.

Online GIS Training

Proven courses to start a new GIS career or get a promotion in your current employment.

GIS Search Terms

For skillsets, GIS is diverse ranging from cartography to programming. Here are examples of search terms you can use in job postings.

  • Cartography
  • Remote Sensing
  • GPS
  • Geomatics
  • Surveying
  • Python
  • CAD
  • Mapping
  • Database Administration
  • Web Maps
  • Geostatistics

Government GIS Jobs

If you’re interested in working in government, here are some of the most common websites with job postings.

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