Author: GISGeography

We help you learn Geographic Information Systems and remote sensing
Dissolve Tool in GIS

Dissolve Tool in GIS

The Dissolve Tool combines adjacent boundaries based on common attribute values – only if neighbor polygons have the same dissolving attribute.

What Is ArcGIS Server?

What Is ArcGIS Server?

ArcGIS Server is a technology that enables anyone to publish web mapping services and consume them on the internet through a web browser.

US Election of 2016 Map

US Election of 2016 Map

Donald Trump won the election of 2016 with 304 electoral votes compared to 227 from Hillary Clinton. Clinton won the popular vote 48% compared to Trump’s 46%.

US Election of 2012 Map

US Election of 2012 Map

In the 57th presidential election, Barack Obama was elected and served his second term. While Obama gained 332 electoral votes, Romney received just 206.

US Election of 2008 Map

US Election of 2008 Map

In the election of 2008, Barack Obama became the 44th president in America. He received 365 electoral votes and was the first African-American president.

US Election of 2004 Map

US Election of 2004 Map

In the election of 2004, George W. Bush won re-election with 286 electoral votes. This compares to John Kerry who received 251 electoral votes.

US Election of 2000 Map

US Election of 2000 Map

Despite Al Gore winning the popular vote, George W. Bush was declared the 43rd president of America in the closest races in presidential election history.

US Election of 1996 Map

US Election of 1996 Map

In the election of 1996, Bill Clinton remained as president until his impeachment. He won by a significant margin of 379 electoral votes beating Bob Dole.